Making facemasks

So Corona hit. It’s taken me a month to adjust to this new, terrifying reality. Not only was I scared, I was also furious. So I’ve been making face masks, partly as a form of therapy, partly as a form of rebellion. I’ve been sending these to my friends, and to whoever asks me for one, usually on the condition of that they send me a photograph of them wearing it (the photo is kept private of course). They’re made out of fabrics my mother collected all throughout my childhood. A lot of them are Nigerian, some are English, and most of them come from the famous Vlisco factory in Helmond.

The first batch
The second batch
Yours truly with a mask on.

It was my grandmother’s birthday today. So I made her one as well, and I made an animation out of the entire process. The animation turned out so well, that I’m making it a portfolio piece!

And here we are. Stay safe and wear your mask.

(PS: I added Oma to my projects. You can see it here.)

One more edit: in my tiredness writing up this post I forgot to mention that I used a pattern made by Tiana from! You can find it here, and make your own:

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