Working on Breccies

Work has been very busy, which has caused me to move the Rube Goldberg back. I always realise when I’m working on it how intensive it is, and because I have to learn so much along the way, it always makes me second-guess when it will finally be finished!

But, I still very much feel the need to work on projects in my free time, so I’ve chosen to work on a more classic 2d film that I expect will be finished much faster. I also very much need a fresh look at the Rube Goldbery, so taking this break will only be helpful (I hope).

In any case, the 2D film is called Breccies, and is a return to form for me – as it relies on classic animation techniques, together with all the new knowledge and experience I have gained in working in motion graphics. The film is based on a giant leporello (over 8 meters long now!) that is currently being made by Marianne Kaars, my mother who is also a fine artist, and with whom I have wanted to collaborate with for a very long time, on account of our style and themes being very similar. (I included a link to her website in her name, so you can take a look for yourself)

Here is a sample from her work:

A photograph from an exhibition she held in Pulchri, The Hague, in 2013. Featured from left to right: a ‘tulip’ vase made by a ceramic artist based on her work, a collage (1.5 x 3meters), and a woodblock print (1.5 x 3 meters).
‘Cunegonde’, ink drawing, 2018
‘Martin’, ink drawing, 2018

And here is a little sneaky peek at what I am currently animating:

Back to work I go!

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